Discover Resmed’s 35 years of history | Resmed

Our History

35 years of research & innovation

Every day we come to work with a focus on building and supporting technology that helps people live healthier, happier lives.

It began over 35 years ago with the invention of a machine that helped people breathe easier and sleep better. And it continues today with digital health solutions that help keep people out of the hospital.

35 years at a glance

May 29, 1989

Hello, world!

Peter Farrel founded ResCare to commercialize positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy equipment for people with sleep apnoea.


A new way to breathe easy

The first pre-assembled PAP mask, the nasal “Bubble Cushion” was patented and exclusively licensed to ResCare.


New name, same vision

Changed our name to Resmed, short for “Respiratory Medicine”.

Late 90’s

Leaders in comfort

Launched out first branded humidifier (HumidCare) and automatic PAP device (AutoSet T), combining to deliver warm air at the lowest pressure needed.


Going digital

Launched our first software program, ResLink – helping sleep doctors verify patients’ adherence and improve their therapy.


SAIME, but different

Acquired SAIME and entered the world of respiratory care, working together to develop in-home life-support ventilators.


Better sleep for women

Created the first-ever PAP mask made specifically for women: Swift LT for Her.


Remote Monitoring leaders

Acquired Umbian, whose U-Sleep program helps clinicians track and improve PAP adherence and enhances Resmed’s own AirView program which today monitors more than 19 million patients.


A stronger connection

Made history by introducing the Air10 Series: the first line of 100% cloud connectable devices. With both remote and self-monitoring solutions, PAP adherence rises up to 87%.

SAAS is Born in the US

Created an ecosystem of SaaS (Software as a Service) platforms and services for out-of-hospital care providers by acquiring companies such as Brightree, HEALTHCAREfirst, and MatrixCare.


How’d you sleep?

Introduced SleepScore  the first App to turn any smartphone into a no-contact sleep tracker (from SleepScore Labs, a joint venture between Resmed, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Pegasus Capital Advisors).


PAP anywhere

Launched AirMini, the world’s smallest PAP, with waterless humidification and operated by a smartphone.


COPD Digital Health Leaders

Acquired Propeller Health, whose digital health tools for inhalers help people with COPD and asthma improve medication adherence, reduce hospitalization risk, and enjoy more symptom-free days.


Global covid-19 response

Pivoted to provide hundreds of thousands of ventilators and bi-level devices in over 100 countries to help save countless lives.


Remote mask set-ups

Launched Resmed MaskSelector, making remote patient mask selection and sizing easier and more effective.


The freedom to move

Unveiled its new category of AirFit masks, with tube-up connection great for sleepers who move around.


High Flow therapy

Lumis, the non-invasive ventilators series are launched in the European market, providing support to non-dependent patients (>13kg)* with respiratory insufficiencies such as COPD.


Air11 is here!

Added digital features (Personal Therapy Assistant and Care Check-in) designed to help new patients start and stay on PAP therapy long-term.


Extending to Insomnia

Resmed acquires Mementor, a consumer software developer that offers Somnio – a digital solution for insomnia.

This is the first and only permanently approved digital health application in the field of sleep medicine.

Our Culture

We value fostering a positive culture of belonging, inclusion, and diversity so that everyone can be their best self at Resmed. We work hard to make sure everyone is seen, valued, and engaged.