AirCurve 10 ST-A NIV ventilator | Resmed

AirCurve 10 ST-A

Healthcare Professional ST-A

Personalized non-invasive ventilation (NIV) for respiratory insufficiency

  • Intelligent Backup Rate (iBR) maximizes the freedom to breathe spontaneously
  • Intelligent Volume-Assured Pressure Support (iVAPS™ *) automatically adapts to changes in breathing
  • Resmed AirView™ for Ventilation provides enhanced clinical data on a new platform designed to streamline the therapy process
AirCurve 10 ST-A front
device AirCurve 10 ST-A - resmed usa
AirCurve 10 ST-A front
device AirCurve 10 ST-A - resmed usa

Personalized ventilation made easy

Resmed AirCurve™ 10 ST-A provides effective NIV for patients with respiratory insufficiency from conditions including neuromuscular disease (NMD), restrictive lung disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and hypoventilation syndromes. AirCurve 10 ST-A features user-friendly controls, an intuitive interface and a color LCD screen that displays oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels and respiratory rate (RR) before therapy has even begun, so you can personalize settings.

A new level of connected care

AirCurve 10 ST-A features built-in cellular connectivity, so you can access a patient’s therapy data through AirView for Ventilation, our cloud-based patient management system. AirView for Ventilation allows you to remotely manage sleep and respiratory patients in one place, simplify workflows and collaborate more efficiently across the patient’s care network.

Early intervention for respiratory patients

With AirView for Ventilation, you’ll be alerted when patients require attention through the management by exception feature so you can intervene and help prevent disease progression and hospitalizations. You can customize monitoring thresholds based on specific patient needs as well as filter patients by condition, thresholds and parameters. It also allows you to remotely change device settings to correct where their therapy is falling short without making them come in for an office visit.

Dynamic detailed reporting

Dynamic detailed reporting within AirView for Ventilation allows you to visualize variations in therapy trends over time. These on-screen tools allow you to zoom in and out to view detailed data trends, hover over specific data points on graphs to obtain exact values, see which alarms were triggered and when, and easily print patient therapy data that’s currently displayed on screen.

Auto-adjusting pressure support

AirCurve 10 ST-A includes iVAPS* mode, which automatically adapts to each patient’s changing breathing needs. iVAPS is designed to target a patient’s minute ventilation and auto-adjusts to maintain a patient target and improve blood gas levels, even when their RR changes throughout the night. Its efficacy1 and tolerability2 have been established in various patient populations, such as hypercapnic COPD and NMD. The iBR is a feature of iVAPS that provides backup breaths only when needed to allow maximum opportunity for spontaneous breathing.


* Source: Indicated for patients weighing more than 66 lbs (30 kg)

  1. Source: Ekkernkamp E et al., “Impact of intelligent volume-assured pressure support on sleep quality in stable hypercapnic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: A randomized crossover study,” Respiration 2014;88(4):270–6.
  2. Source: Kelly JL et al. “Randomized trial of ‘intelligent’ autotitrating ventilation versus standard pressure support non-invasive ventilation: Impact on adherence and physiological outcomes,” Respirology 2014;19(4):596–603.

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