Sleep lab titration
Streamline your lab with solutions that can help you save time and focus on delivering successful titrations night after night.

Resmed S9 VPAP™ Tx is an all-in-one titration system designed to deliver comfortable therapy and improve lab efficiency. More than just a multi-mode lab system, VPAP Tx gives you the information you need to empower your team and minimize study turnaround times.
Our revolutionary sleep lab titration system is designed with the patient’s comfort in mind. A truly all-in-one lab system, VPAP Tx delivers comfortable therapy and caters to all patient types, allowing them to fall asleep and stay asleep, so your titrations are an overnight success.
VPAP Tx helps you introduce a smooth start to patient therapy during and after titration. In addition, you can easily make and document changes to therapy, communicate recommendations and upgrade to our latest enhancements.
EasyCare Tx titration software
EasyCare Tx is the titration software for the S9 VPAP Tx Lab System. Its tech-friendly interface is easy to learn and use (so you can easily train your staff), and its comprehensive help menu can answer any questions you may have.