ComplianceCoach - a smarter way to capture PAP compliance | Resmed

ComplianceCoach CPL V2.0

The smarter way to capture PAP compliance

With flexible workflows, prioritized patient outreach and simplified data, ComplianceCoach equips HMEs with a competitive edge. HMEs who used ComplianceCoach experienced a 2.36% increase in eligible reimbursement from CMS 90-day compliance requirements.*1

Watch this video to learn how HMEs are using ComplianceCoach to save time and increase their revenue, while helping more patients achieve their therapy goals.

A powerful way to improve your business

ComplianceCoach is a companion app to Resmed AirView™ that uses the power of AI to help boost reimbursement rates. ComplianceCoach CPL v.2.0 now equips HMEs with following benefits:

  • Care Check-In: responses to quickly identify which patients are struggling and troubleshoot issues more efficiently
  • Greater Control: Refine your customer patient lists and reduce the time spent searching for patients with additional filters
  • More Patient Data: Access a broader view of the patient’s therapy with additional data points
  • Less Toggling: Send the myAir invitation to patients and download the Compliance & Therapy reports directly within ComplianceCoach

Unlock the benefits of ComplianceCoach

ComplianceCoach CPL v.2.0 is part of AirView Plus, a yearly subscription model (billed monthly) that provides HMEs with actionable insights to improve workflow efficiencies and help patients achieve their therapy goals. This subscription model is offered at a trial price for a duration of twelve (12) months, or until such time as the Full Product Launch has been officially executed, whichever occurs first.†

To subscribe to AirView Plus, please contact your sales representative. After you speak to your sales representative, AirView Plus will be available in the Resmed Online Store (ROS) for purchase.‡

* Compliance rates will vary and are not guaranteed. Provider is responsible for confirming compliance before billing.

† In exchange for the monthly trial price, Customer is agreeing to provide ongoing and regular feedback during the Trial Period as requested by Resmed relating to the operations, processes and usefulness of the solution. Customer also agrees to allow Resmed to publish their Company Name for promotion and advertising and trade or for any other lawful purposes.

‡ AirView Plus is an HI Services Package offered pursuant to the Resmed Healthcare Informatics Terms of Use, including the Business Associate Agreement; Resmed’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale; and the Resmed Online Store terms of use. By purchasing AirView Plus you agree to the terms of each of the above agreements.


  1. Source: Resmed data analysis of HMEs who beta tested ComplianceCoach across a patient population of at least 5,000 patients in the US. Study conducted between September 2021 and June 2022. HMEs n=6 Patient Population n=6,896