AirFit F30i CPAP full face compact mask | Resmed

AirFit F30i

Freedom Full Face Mask Mouth Coverage Silicone Cushion
  • Preferred by both patients and sleep professionals to DreamWear™ full face1,2
  • Reported to seal significantly better than DreamWear full face2
  • Expands our full face portfolio to include a top-of-head tube design

The mask contains magnets that may interfere with certain implants or medical devices. Please refer to the Support documents for complete labelling information, including magnet contraindications and warnings.

AirFit F30i full face CPAP mask
F30i cpap mask compact full face with tube up
AirFit F30i tube up cpap mask
AirFit F30i full face CPAP mask
F30i cpap mask compact full face with tube up
AirFit F30i tube up cpap mask

Outperforms DreamWear full face

In a direct comparison study, 3 out of 4 CPAP users preferred AirFit F30i to DreamWear full face for its overall performance1.
They also preferred it nearly 2 to 1 for seal and 3 to 1 for comfort1.

Intuitive design

The secret behind this mask’s comfortable, high-performing seal is its UltraCompact cushion design, which is curved to fit comfortably and securely around the nose. No matter the sleep position, AirFit F30i is designed to stay in place with minimal facial contact – no additional forehead support needed. It also features a quick-release elbow, which makes it easy to disconnect mask from tubing without the mask parts getting stuck or lost.

See AirFit F30i up close

Get a close-up look at what makes this tube-up full face so unique.

Next steps

Keep track of your patients with AirView

Resmed AirView™ is a cloud-based patient management system that provides remote clinical insight into your patients’ therapy data.

Streamline business with ReSupply

Resmed ReSupply™ is an online solution to help you restock and provide patients with the supplies needed to maintain ongoing therapy.


  1. Source: Resmed guided external clinical study of 48 evaluable current full face CPAP mask users from October 24 to November 20, 2018 in Sydney, Australia and San Diego, CA, who trialed Resmed AirFit F30i and Philips® Respironics DreamWear full face. Study participants slept with the CPAP masks and trialed them at home.
  2. Source: Resmed onsite fitting study of 73 current full face CPAP mask users and 14 sleep professionals from November 5 to November 14, 2018 in multiple US locations who trialed Resmed AirFit F30i and Philips Respironics DreamWear full face.

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