Video gallery to start CPAP therapy | Resmed

Starting CPAP therapy

Does CPAP therapy work? Is it effective? Are you worried CPAP might be uncomfortable? Are you curious to know what benefits therapy really brings?

Take a look at these real-life stories and discover the reality of CPAP therapy for sleep apnea.

CPAP therapy can be life-changing

Starting CPAP therapy can help reduce fatigue so you have the energy to do what you love. Ernest H. felt so much better on CPAP therapy that his dad decided to get tested for sleep apnea, too. Once Brooke W. started CPAP therapy, her fatigue was gone and she was able to ditch the daily naps. Getting used to CPAP therapy isn’t always easy, but Susie and Brian have tips to help you adjust. Starting CPAP therapy helped Leilani N. feel more rested and alert to take on her day.

CPAP therapy can be life-changing
How to talk to your family about sleep apnea
Say goodbye to naps and poor sleep with CPAP therapy
Tips for starting CPAP therapy

Starting CPAP therapy

CPAP setup in a group: you're not alone in sleep apnea
Your healthcare team for starting CPAP therapy
Getting comfortable breathing with CPAP therapy air pressure
CPAP dry mouth: how to find the right therapy settings
How to track your CPAP therapy with the myAir app
Building confidence

Getting to know your CPAP equipment

Comfortable CPAP masks: finding the right one for you
How to find the right comfort and fit for your CPAP mask
CPAP or APAP: how to find the right sleep apnea machine

Did you know?

Many insurance providers require proof of active therapy.

Your CPAP machine automatically transmits your nightly data to your CPAP equipment store and your doctor so they can monitor your therapy “compliance.”
To be compliant and have your CPAP equipment covered by your insurance, you may need proof of active therapy over the first 90 days of CPAP therapy.

Keep exploring

Sleep apnea treatment overview

Learn more about what to expect after diagnosis and the sleep treatment experience.

Which CPAP mask is best for me?

Explore which CPAP mask may be your perfect fit.

Sleep apnea tests and diagnosis

Learn more about what you can expect from a sleep test in a sleep clinic or at-home, and more info on getting diagnosed with sleep apnea.