AirFit F20: How to Measure Your Ideal Mask Size | Resmed

AirFit F20: How to Measure Your Ideal Mask Size

AirFit F20: How to choose your mask size

November 26, 2024

During the Coronavirus situation, we’re all helping to stop the spread by staying at home. But if you’re about to start therapy or curious about a new mask and aren’t able to visit a CPAP store, how will you know which size mask is right for you?

Luckily, it’s easy to find the correct mask size from the comfort of your own home!

Finding the perfect fit is all about a CPAP mask that’s most comfortable for your facial features and personal sleep style. A perfect fit is also key to your CPAP therapy success. That’s why we used input from hundreds of CPAP users with a wide range of facial features to design AirFit F20.

The result is a mask that fits nearly everyone and has become one of the most widely used CPAP masks in the world.

How to determine the right size for an AirFit F20 mask:

To determine the correct mask size for your facial structure, we recommend taking exact measurements using the method described below. This is the most accurate way to determine your correct size.

  1. Find a ruler or measuring tape at home. When measuring, please try to use a rigid measuring tool and measure in a straight line up and down.
  2. Measure from the bridge of your nose to the indent on your chin (just below your bottom lip). It may be helpful to have a friend assist you. *See fig. 1 below. You should be measuring from the height of the bridge of your nose (which his usually just below your eye line) down to the indent in your chin.
  3. Match your measurement with the given sizes below to find the correct sizing for you.

Option 2)  Measure your face using a printed sizing template

If you don’t have a ruler or tape measure, we’ve created a printable sizing template you can use at home. Here’s how to use the printable sizing template:

  1. Access the ‘AirFit F20 Fitting Template’ PDF
  2. Open the file. Print the file at home. It doesn’t need to be in color – black and white is fine.
  3. After printing the template, get a pair of scissors and cut out along the dotted line. Once cut, the template should look like the one below. *See fig. 2 below.
  4. Align the arrow on the sizing guide to the bridge of your nose. *See fig. 2 below.
  5. Select the most appropriate size by referring to the area of the guide just below your bottom lip, in the indent on your chin.

And that’s it! Now you know which size to request from your CPAP equipment provider. For more tips on mask sizing and overall comfort, visit the Mask Comfort section of our blog.

If you continue to have mask comfort issues, you should work with your respiratory therapist and CPAP equipment store once the self-isolation recommendations have been lifted.

This blog post contains general information about medical conditions and potential treatments. It is not medical advice. If you have any medical questions, please consult your doctor.