What is PAP therapy and how does it work? | Resmed

What is PAP therapy and how does it work?

AirSense 10 sits on a nightstand

November 27, 2024

PAP therapy works by delivering pressurized air through your airway, keeping it open and preventing sleep apnea from occurring. The air, which is pressurized using a PAP device, travels through a tube and mask that is worn over your nose and mouth or only fits over/on your nose.

There are a number of different PAP devices that can be used, depending on your severity and type of sleep apnea. The most commonly used is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which delivers a steady and continuous stream of pressurized air to the airway.

Here are some things to consider when selecting your device:

  • Brand
  • Size
  • Noise level
  • Customization
  • Comfort features
    • Humidification with heated tubing
    • Pressure ramp – air pressure slowly ramps up over time for your comfort
    • Expiratory pressure relief (EPR™) – lowers air pressure when you exhale to make breathing easier

Each person is different, and there is no one device that will work perfectly for everyone. Consulting your health care provider about your treatment is the best way to know what will work for you, as well as determining if there are any underlying issues that may need to be taken into account. And don’t be afraid to keep trying until you get it right. It may take a little time, but finding that right device for you is critical to your success.

This blog post contains general information about medical conditions and potential treatments. It is not medical advice. If you have any medical questions, please consult your doctor.