Home sleep apnea test – Resmed NightOwl | Resmed


NightOwl™, a disposable home sleep apnea test that’s the size of a quarter, is a device worn on the tip of a patient’s index finger for maximum comfort and minimal sleep disturbance. Its technology offers highly accurate measurement of sleep health.

NightOwl device front view
NightOwl device quarter right view
NightOwl device
NightOwl device back view
NightOwl device back quarter left view
NightOwl device front view
NightOwl device quarter right view
NightOwl device
NightOwl device back view
NightOwl device back quarter left view

Streamlined patient experience

NightOwl comes with an app for patients, myAir, which they can download to their phone or tablet from app stores. Once the physician configures a sleep apnea test, patients receive an activation email directing them to the myAir app, which  includes step-by-step “how  to” videos to help them set up and use the device.​

Designed for efficiency

NightOwl saves the healthcare provider time and effort through multiple functions, including automatically uploading test results to the provider portal, autoscoring results, and easy patient management. It automatically uploads patient data to the cloud each morning, eliminating the need for a physician or team member to do it manually. A provider can create home sleep tests, notate, edit,  ​review and interpret test results ​directly in the provider portal.

Additional key features

  • Multinight evaluation—Capture a patient’s internight variability of sleep apnea by testing more than one night. Records data for up to 10 nights*.
  • Single sensor—NightOwl home sleep apnea test has one small sensor that attaches to the patient’s index finger.
  • Peripheral arterial tonometry—The device measures peripheral arterial tone, actigraphy (movement in sleep), pulse rate and oximetry.
  • Autoscoring—Raw patient data is autoscored with an algorithm that is clinically validated against polysomnography (PSG). Automated and editable reports are available in the provider portal. 1
  • Cloud-based solution—A patient’s sleep test data is uploaded each morning to the provider portal using Wi-Fi or a cellular connection, enabling fully remote and secure access to sleep studies.
  • One patient. One device—The NightOwl device is completely disposable. No need for the patient to return the NightOwl device, saving time and logistics.

Supporting documents

For support documents, check out the NightOwl support page.

* Based on average use of 8 hours per night.
Peripheral arterial tonometry [or tone] measurement is based on processing of PPG without application of a uniform pressure field fully enveloping the finger.


  1. Source: Massie et al. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (2018).