Mask selector | Resmed

Resmed MaskSelector

Take the guesswork out of mask selection

The Resmed MaskSelector* online sizing tool makes it faster and easier to size and select masks for your patients. The tool provides personalized mask and size recommendations based on patient input. Plus, Resmed MaskSelector now includes:

  • Ranked mask recommendations
  • AirFit™ F30i and AirTouch™ N20, representing all masks within our four portfolio categories
  • Magnetic contraindication documentation and appropriate recommendations

You’ll love the accuracy and peace of mind knowing your patients will get the optimal Resmed mask recommendation.
Watch the video to see how it works.

A simpler way to size for masks

Get the right fit the first time

Starting out with the right mask is key to motivating patients to start – and stay on – their sleep apnea therapy. Resmed MaskSelector makes it easier to find the right mask from the start.

In just a few easy steps, patients answer questions about their preferences and sleep habits, and scan their face or take manual measurements. Then, Resmed MaskSelector provides you with their personalized mask and size recommendations.

It is really that simple. Try Resmed MaskSelector today.

Key features & benefits

  • Ranked mask recommendations give you confidence to select the best Resmed mask from our full portfolio.
  • Captures magnetic contraindication information and recommends appropriate non-magnetic masks.
  • Automated workflow saves you and your staff time.
  • Facial scanning technology captures more precise measurements.

Seamless patient intake integration

Resmed MaskSelector improves workflow efficiency for your admin users and intake coordinators, giving them the flexibility to manage patients across multiple branch locations. Here’s how:

  • Generic location link gives your patient intake staff the ability to leverage a single link by branch location.
  • Daily notification emails notify your Resmed MaskSelector users about new patient mask requests.
  • Filtering and grouping by location enables admin users to create multiple locations and sort patients by individual branches.
  • User permissions allow admin users to add and delete users on their own.

Your staff saves time so they can focus on helping patients troubleshoot therapy acclimation issues and reach compliance – and better health.

Discover all the ways Resmed MaskSelector simplifies mask sizing and selection

Sign up today to schedule a live demo and learn more about Resmed MaskSelector.

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A full selection of remote setup tools

Resmed MaskSelector joins an array of tools designed to help you successfully set up your patients remotely. From patient education materials and printable checklists to our robust guidebook with everything you’ll need for remote setups, Resmed is here to support you.

Selections from the Resmed portfolio of masks

Resmed MaskSelector recommends a variety of Resmed mask models from all categories, including the popular options below.

Take the guesswork out of mask selection

Find out how Resmed MaskSelector can help you effectively fit your patients with the right mask the first time.

Patient identities and data are fictional

*Some states have restrictions on use of biometric data. Customer is responsible for verifying that use of facial scanning is consistent with state law.