Training resources - Resmed Healthcare Professional | Resmed

Training resources

From e-Learning modules to group CPAP classes, we offer a variety of training resources to support the goal of improved compliance and outcomes.

Resmed e-Learning modules

Visit Resmed Academy Online for free online courses to help drive HME business growth, with a focus on a variety of key topics including:

  • Partnering with sleep labs to drive home sleep testing
  • Presenting diagnostic pathways to primary care
  • Obesity and sleep apnea
  • Driving sleep awareness to primary care
  • Group CPAP classes
  • Basics of sleep-disordered breathing

Group CPAP classes

Conducting group CPAP classes and assigning patients peer buddies can significantly reduce the amount of time spent on new setups and lead to better compliance. Here are some easy-to-use resources to help make your group CPAP classes run more smoothly:

  • The Group CPAP Class sign-in sheet helps ensure HIPAA compliance by securing your patients’ consent to the group setting.
  • The Air Solutions DVD helps patients better understand how to use and care for their CPAP equipment. (You can find it at the Resmed Online Store.)
  • The patient checklist lets patients fill in their CPAP information and HME contact info for quick access. There’s also room for extra notes to help them remember what they’ve learned.

Bilevel transition program

We also offer resources to help you identify patients who are non compliant or pressure intolerant, better equipping you for early intervention (i.e., within the first 90 days of PAP therapy).

AirCurve 10 VAuto improves compliance (PN 10110306)

CPAP and bilevel reimbursement fast facts (PN 1013493)

Medicare reimbursement guidelines and pathway with timelines (PN 1013248)