CPAP equipment - Everything you need for CPAP therapy | Resmed

CPAP equipment: The complete system

A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is used to treat sleep apnea. It’s part of a larger system of components and accessories that work together to help you get a better night’s sleep: the machine, the mask, the tubing and the Resmed myAir™ online support program and app.

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CPAP machine

There are 3 types of machines for positive pressure therapy: CPAP, APAP and Bilevel. They all create airflow that is pushed through the tubing, to the mask, and into your lungs. Each machine has different features and benefits, so discuss with your doctor to find the right type for your needs.

CPAP mask

Your mask is one of the most important components of your CPAP equipment. It consists of 3 parts: frame, cushion, and headgear. There are several different types of CPAP masks, including full face and nasal options. The right mask can make your therapy more comfortable and successful, so it’s important to find the one that’s best for you.

CPAP components

There are 3 main components you’ll need to keep your CPAP therapy comfortable and effective. These include air filters, which filter dust and pet dander from the air going into your machine; a humidifier tub to hold the water for your humidifier; and the air tubing, which is the hose that connects your CPAP machine to your mask.

myAir by Resmed app

Offering how-to videos, helpful tips, encouraging messages and more, myAir is designed to keep you motivated and on track with therapy. AirSense 11 users have access to features like Personal Therapy Assistant that offers interactive voice-guided videos to help guide you through equipment setup and get comfortable with therapy, and Care Check-In, which provides tailored support and coaching.1

Keep exploring

Resmed CPAP masks

See our selection of comfortable CPAP masks, made to accommodate all face types and treatment needs.

Resmed CPAP machines

Learn more about our CPAP machines and how they’re designed to deliver different types of therapy.

How to start CPAP therapy: the complete guide

If you’re new to CPAP therapy or curious about what to expect, this free eBook has all the info you’re looking for.


  1. Some features of Resmed myAir are only available in the myAir app