Breathe easier with ventilation | Resmed

Breathe easier with ventilation

Behind every one of our innovative ventilation products is our unyielding commitment to helping people breathe and live better.

What is a ventilator?

A ventilation machine flows air into the lungs, making it easier to inhale and exhale.

What is non-invasive and invasive ventilation?

Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is a form of mechanical ventilation where air is provided to the airway and lungs through a mask or mouthpiece.
Invasive ventilation is used when sufficient ventilation cannot be achieved using non-invasive methods so air is provided through a tube inserted into the airway.

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Featured products

Explore a variety of devices that address varying stages of respiratory disorders.

Front view of an AirCurve 10 device.
Bilevel Therapy Heated Humidifier Non Invasive Quiet
AirCurve 10 ST-A
Provides effective non-invasive ventilation
Astral 150 portable ventilator by resmed USA
Astral 100 Astral 150
Portable life support for various respiratory disorders.
ResMed Stellar ventilator
Stellar 150
For invasive and non-invasive portable ventilation.

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