Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Resmed FAQ page, where you’ll find answers to common Resmed questions. Our page covers a wide range of topics, from our products to our business practices to sleep apnea basics and more. Whether you’re new to Resmed or a longtime customer/user or healthcare provider, the Resmed frequently asked questions page is here to assist you.
Sleep Apnea
Positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy — usually known in its most common form as “CPAP,” for continuous positive airway pressure — is considered the gold-standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).1 New CPAP devices, like Resmed’s AirSense™ 11, have built-in wireless technology that allows doctors to remotely track how well the machine is working for you. This makes it easier for your healthcare provider to adjust settings and ensure you are using the machine properly, which can improve long-term success with CPAP therapy.2 In addition, digital health solutions, like health apps, allow for better self-monitoring and therapy adjustments.
Alternative therapies for the treatment of OSA include oral appliances and positional therapy, upper airway surgery and upper airway stimulation (UAS) therapy.3 UAS therapy is a small, surgically implanted device that stimulates a nerve that controls the tongue to keep the airway open during sleep. UAS therapy is indicated for people who can’t tolerate PAP or BiPAP therapy and also do not have complete blockage of the soft palate and meet other eligibility requirements.4
Sleep apnea can worsen with age due to factors like decreased muscle tone in the upper airway, weight gain, and changes in sleep patterns. As people age, there is also an increased likelihood of other health conditions, like cardiovascular disease, that can worsen or exacerbate sleep apnea.5
Untreated sleep apnea can lead to serious health risks. It has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and even dementia. While death directly from sleep apnea is rare, the cumulative health effects of prolonged untreated apnea episodes can be life-threatening. This is why timely diagnosis and treatment are critical.6
Sleep apnea severity is typically measured by the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), which tracks two different types of events: the number of apneas (which are brief pauses in breathing) and the number of hypopneas (which are incidences of shallow breathing) per hour of sleep.7
- Mild sleep apnea: 5–14 events per hour
- Moderate sleep apnea: 15–29 events per hour
- Severe sleep apnea: 30 or more events per hour
Resmed devices are designed to track patient usage. Some devices have a feature called sleep onset that looks for breathing pattern events to detect a patient’s sleep, prompting a prescribed therapy to be delivered. myAir™ — Resmed’s patient self-monitoring app for users with connected devices and Apple Health and/or Google Fit compatible sleep trackers — shows you the quality of sleep apnea treatment your body is getting.
CPAP Basics
Yes, most modern CPAP machines can detect when you stop breathing (known as an “apnea” event) or when your breathing becomes shallow (known as a “hypopnea” event). The CPAP machines detect your breathing patterns using airflow sensors and record the number of events throughout the night. These events are usually summarized in a report, which your doctor can review to assess the effectiveness of the CPAP therapy. Event info can also be viewed on the screen of select CPAP machines and in Resmed’s myAir app.
With effective CPAP therapy, the goal is to reduce the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) to fewer than five events per hour, which is considered within the normal range. A reduction to this level typically indicates that the CPAP therapy is working well to manage sleep apnea.
CPAP machines are often recommended to be placed lower than your bed — or, more specifically, the height of your head on the pillow — to prevent condensation, or “rainout,” from forming in the tubing. If the machine is positioned higher than your head, moisture from the humidifier can collect and drip back toward the mask, causing discomfort. Keeping the machine lower allows gravity to prevent this issue.
Besides machine position, other factors like room temperature, humidity settings, and the type of tubing (heated vs. non-heated) can also influence rainout.
CPAP devices are intended to be used with CPAP masks that have a mechanism to allow continuous flow of air out of the mask. When the device is turned on and functioning properly, new air from the device flushes the exhaled air out through the mask’s vent holes.
Studies show that nearly 1 in 5 people quit using a CPAP machine within five years.8 Factors like discomfort with the mask and overall inconvenience are common reasons for CPAP failure. Continuous follow-up with healthcare providers can help address these challenges.
Someone could awake for any number of reasons. Waking up while using CPAP maybe due to mask discomfort, dryness or congestion, pressure settings that may need adjustment, or difficulty adapting to the therapy. Addressing these issues may involve ensuring a better mask fit, adding humidification, optimizing pressure settings, or managing coexisting insomnia. Consult your sleep physician to review therapy data and discuss solutions tailored to your needs.9
Long-term CPAP use is generally safe. Potential side effects are typically mild and quickly reversible. These include nasal dryness or congestion, skin irritation, air swallowing, mouth dryness, and rare issues such as sinus or ear pressure. Most of these can be managed effectively with the use of humidifiers, proper mask fitting, and adjustments to the device settings.10
Resmed Products
All Resmed CPAP devices and masks are safe for patients to use — provided that the patient follows the proper directions for use. Resmed has a rigorous testing protocol in place to ensure the appropriate steps are taken to put patient safety first.
The life expectancy of a CPAP machine differs based on the specific piece of equipment. In general, CPAP machines such as the Resmed AirSense™ 10 are used for roughly five years. Sleep apnea therapy equipment requires regular maintenance and replacement. Maintaining and replacing your equipment is an important step towards staying comfortable and compliant with your CPAP therapy. Using the Resmed ReSupply portal allows you to be in control of your CPAP resupply. You may also want to talk to your equipment provider for further guidance and advice.
The life expectancy of a CPAP machine differs based on the specific piece of equipment. In general, CPAP machines such as the Resmed AirSense™ 11 are used for roughly five years. Sleep apnea therapy equipment requires regular maintenance and replacement. Maintaining and replacing your equipment is an important step towards staying comfortable and compliant with your CPAP therapy. Using the Resmed ReSupply portal allows you to be in control of your CPAP resupply. You may also want to talk to your equipment provider for further guidance and advice.
Although patients can quickly access a summary of their CPAP therapy use data from the previous night directly on their CPAP screen, we, would also recommend using Resmed’s myAir™ app that offers the ability to track and view your nightly sleep data, plus interactive coaching, educational tools, cleaning reminders and more features to improve your CPAP experience.
Usage and Maintenance
It’s important to try and use your CPAP machine anytime you sleep and for the full duration of sleep to get the most out of your CPAP experience. Please note that insurance providers may also have specific usage requirements to qualify for reimbursement, so speak to your healthcare provider about the usage requirements that your insurance may have.
Wearing your CPAP mask while awake can be helpful when acclimating and adjusting to therapy. This is often recommended to help new CPAP users get used to breathing against the air pressure.
Run time for our CPAP batteries varies based on device settings, humidity and other factors, but generally speaking, a Resmed battery with a full charge will last about 8 hours at average device settings. Recharging the battery takes less than 4 hours from 0% battery level to greater than 95%. For more information, see our Power Station II battery pack user guide and our battery/device compatibility list.
The flashing snowflake on your Resmed device indicates the humidifier is in cooling mode and is actively cooling down.
Starting CPAP therapy and getting used to wearing a CPAP mask all night can take a period of adjustment; it’s not uncommon for people to wake up and find their CPAP mask off, but they don’t remember actually removing it in the middle of the night. It’s important to make sure your mask fits you properly, and it’s equally important to give yourself time to adjust to CPAP therapy. Pro-tip: wearing your CPAP mask before you go to sleep can help your body adjust to therapy at night.
Product Lifespan and Replacement
The life expectancy of a CPAP machine differs based on the specific piece of equipment. In general, CPAP machines are used for roughly five years. Sleep apnea therapy equipment requires regular maintenance and replacement. Maintaining and replacing your equipment is an important step towards staying comfortable and compliant with your CPAP therapy. Using the Resmed ReSupply portal allows you to be in control of your CPAP resupply. You may also want to talk to your equipment provider for further guidance and advice.
CPAP machines typically have a lifespan of roughly five years. To know exactly when to replace your CPAP machine, check the user guide to confirm for your specific Resmed device.
For each CPAP machine, there are specific directions in the user guide. For example, the Resmed AirSense 11 CPAP machine has directions to change the water once a day, via the following instructions:
- Empty the humidifier tub and wipe it thoroughly with a clean disposable cloth. Allow it to dry out of direct sunlight.
- Refill the humidifier tub.
- If using the HumidAir 11 Standard water tub, use distilled water only
- If using the HumidAir 11 Cleanable water tub, use drinking-quality water (potable).
Based on general wear and tear, we suggest that you use the following as a suggestion to know when to replace your CPAP mask and accessories:
Every month, you should replace:
- Mask cushions and/or nasal pillows
- CPAP machine filters
Every 3 months, you should replace:
- Mask frame (not including the headgear)
- CPAP tubing
Every 6 months, you should replace:
- Mask headgear
- Chin strap (if applicable)
- Humidifier water tub
Be sure to check with your insurance provider, because insurance companies have their own schedules for how often they’ll reimburse for replacement components.
Troubleshooting and Issues
If your CPAP equipment provider has enabled SmartStart™ on your Resmed device — a setting that makes it easy for you to start and stop CPAP therapy simply by breathing into your mask or removing it — your machine may stop in the middle of the night if your mask has excessive air leakage, or if you take off your mask. If it’s not SmartStart™ that’s causing your machine to stop in the middle of the night, you may want to contact your CPAP equipment provider to help you troubleshoot this.
The warnings for Resmed masks can vary; the warnings are described in each mask’s user guide. One of the most common warnings is related to Resmed masks with magnets. For the latest information on this topic, visit our updated information on masks with magnets for mask users page.
For information on all other warnings (oxygen, venting, etc.), please consult your mask’s user guide for specific warning guidance.
Company Information
In carrying out our mission to create life-changing health technologies that people love, Resmed has an obligation to our patients, customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, community representatives and other business contacts to be honest, fair and forthright in all our business activities. Our standards are codified in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics which guides how we work to comply with applicable laws and regulations and encourages ethical behavior in our business practices. By adhering to this code, we seek to inspire trust and confidence with our key stakeholders.
Resmed is a global company with products sold in over 140 countries. We are headquartered in San Diego, California and have manufacturing as well as research and development operations across Australia, Singapore, and China.
Resmed is a global company with products sold in over 140 countries. We are headquartered in San Diego, California, USA and have manufacturing as well as research and development operations across Australia, Singapore, and China.
No. Philips did not buy out Resmed. Resmed and Philips are competitors in the manufacture and distribution of respiratory medical devices and Resmed has no connection to Philips.
Resmed pioneers innovative solutions that treat and keep people out of the hospital, empowering them to live healthier, higher-quality lives. Resmed’s digital health technologies and cloud-connected medical devices transform care for people with sleep apnea, COPD, and other chronic diseases in more than 140 countries. For more information on Resmed visit the Investor Relations page at
Resmed pioneers innovative solutions that treat and keep people out of the hospital, empowering them to live healthier, higher-quality lives. Resmed’s digital health technologies and cloud-connected medical devices transform care for people with sleep apnea, COPD, and other chronic diseases in more than 140 countries. For more information on Resmed visit the Investor Relations page at
In November 2023, Resmed conducted a voluntary global field action to update its guides for all masks with magnets to inform users about potential magnetic interference when magnets are near certain implants and medical devices in the body. All Resmed masks containing magnets are safe when used in accordance with the Field Safety Notice and updated Instructions for Use in the guides of affected masks. Patient safety is Resmed’s top priority, and we will always follow our guiding principles that prioritize patient needs and safety to ensure the best care is given to the millions of people we serve worldwide.
In November 2023, Resmed conducted a voluntary global field action to update its guides for all masks with magnets to inform users about potential magnetic interference when magnets are near certain implants and medical devices in the body. All Resmed masks containing magnets are safe when used in accordance with the Field Safety Notice Field Safety Notice and updated Instructions for Use in the guides of affected masks. Patient safety is Resmed’s top priority, and we will always follow our guiding principles that prioritize patient needs and safety to ensure the best care is given to the millions of people we serve worldwide.
Resmed pioneers innovative solutions that treat and keep people out of the hospital, empowering them to live healthier, higher-quality lives. Resmed’s digital health technologies and cloud-connected medical devices transform care for people with sleep apnea, COPD, and other chronic diseases in more than 140 countries. Like shares in most publicly traded companies, shares in Resmed fluctuate for many reasons. For more information on Resmed visit the Investor Relations page at
Resmed pioneers innovative solutions that treat and keep people out of the hospital, empowering them to live healthier, higher-quality lives. Resmed’s digital health technologies and cloud-connected medical devices transform care for people with sleep apnea, COPD, and other chronic diseases in more than 140 countries. For more information on Resmed visit the Investor Relations page at
In November 2023, Resmed conducted a voluntary global field action to update its guides for all masks with magnets to inform users about potential magnetic interference when magnets are near certain implants and medical devices in the body. All Resmed masks containing magnets are safe when used in accordance with the Field Safety Notice and updated Instructions for Use in the guides of affected masks. Patient safety is Resmed’s top priority, and we will always follow our guiding principles that prioritize patient needs and safety to ensure the best care is given to the millions of people we serve worldwide.
Resmed operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and conducts its business ethically. From time to time Resmed files and defends lawsuits to protect the rights and interests of our company and stakeholders. We do not comment on particular litigation.
- Source: Patil SP et al. J Clin Sleep Med. 2019 Feb 15;15(2):301-334
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- Source: Epstein LJ et al. J Clin Sleep Med. 2009;5(3):263-276; Berry RB et al. AASM manual for the scoring of sleep and associated events: Rules, terminology and technical specifications, Version 2.0. American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2012
- Source: Kohler M, Smith D, Tippett V, Stradling JR. Predictors of long-term compliance with continuous positive airway pressure. Thorax. 2010 Sep;65(9):829-32. doi: 10.1136/thx.2010.135848. PMID: 20805182
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- Source: Patil SP, J Clin Sleep Med. 2019