Data Transmission Status – Resolved
September 1, 2023 Update
The Air11™ device-to-cloud data transmission delay issue has been resolved and therapy data is once again populating normally from Air11 devices to AirView, myAir, and integrators. The experience of our patients, customers and providers is paramount to our values and the service we strive to provide. We recognize the impact and inconvenience this has had on your organization and patients.
We thank you for your understanding and patience as we worked to rectify the situation.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Click here for French FAQ (Professionnels de la santé)
We have identified the root cause of the now resolved device transmission delays. In late July, we rolled out an OTA firmware update for Air11™ devices to introduce two new features and improve the communications capabilities of the device. This OTA update had the unintended impact of significantly increasing the amount of data being sent between therapy devices and the AirView cloud server, resulting in backlogged and delayed data in AirView and myAir.
We have identified the root cause of the latest reported device data delays. In late July, we rolled out an OTA firmware update for Air11 devices to introduce two new features and improve the communications capabilities of the device. This OTA update had the unintended impact of significantly increasing the amount of data being sent between therapy devices and the AirView cloud server, resulting in backlogged and delayed data in AirView and myAir.
Air11 is designed to provide the delivery of future enhancements and software updates by leveraging Over-The-Air (OTA) update technology. Typically, an OTA will take a couple weeks to fully roll out and update all cloud connected Air11 devices. We made the decision to pause the OTA until this therapy data delay issue has been resolved.
This means that not all Air11 devices received the OTA update. We are working on a plan to confidently resume the OTA and update all remaining cloud connected Air11™ devices to a common firmware version.
Yes, patients’ data will be automatically populated to reflect updated information, including compliance status, therapy information, device usage, and Compliance and Therapy reports.
Once the patient data is restored in AirView, it will flow to the respective fields in Brightree under the Resmed Air Solutions tab. This includes but is not limited to capturing the updated compliance data and Compliance & Therapy reports.
Yes, as the data is restored in AirView Action Groups, the patients’ data will be automatically updated.
Groups are populated based on a patient’s data at a point in time. Over the last several weeks, you may have noticed that some groups contained patients whose data did not match the group’s criteria. This is because U-Sleep received data after the device’s data had been scored. The patients’ profile data will automatically update; however, U-Sleep will not automatically update the data within the individual groups. The patients within these groups should be reviewed to clear them from their group(s).
Notifications specific to “No Data” that were deactivated during the data delay will be reactivated in the coming week. Notifications will not be sent retroactively.